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acn_iraq_Brothers of Jesus in Nineveh
The “Brothers of Jesus the Redeemer” are the only Syriac Catholic congregation in the world. But their new monastery will...
acn_senegal_Dominican Nurses of the Immaculate Heart of Mar
They depend entirely on donations, faithful to the words of Christ: “Freely you have received, freely give” (Mt 10:8). Jesus...
acn_venezuela_Carmelite Sisters
“Dios no nos abandona en la oscuridad. Solo cuando nosotros Lo abandonamos, perecemos” . De estas sabias palabras de la...
acn_argentina_fazenda da esperanca
Living trapped in addiction is a hell, not only for the addict but also for his family and all those...
acn_Venezuela_terrorist attack on cathedral
ACN president expresses solidarity with Catholics in the country following the arson attack on the church The international Catholic pastoral...
acn_africa_60 years of independence_the catholic challenge
1960 has sometimes been called the Year of Africa, since in that year 17 African countries gained their independence from...