The convent of Sister Sanaa and her fellow nuns was destroyed by ISIS – Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) helps nuns and priests make a fresh start.
By Oliver Maksan
In 2014, more than 120,000 Christians, among them dozens of priests and religious, had to flee from ISIS in Iraq. Many have found refuge in the autonomous Kurdish regions of Iraq after having lost everything – just like Sister Sanaa. The nun is mother superior of a community of Sacred Heart Sisters. “ISIS blew up our convent in Mosul on 24 November. They first tried to blow up the four crosses on the roof. Then they destroyed the entire building. We don’t know why exactly,” she reported. “This made us very sad. It was a critical moment for our community. After all, it had been our spiritual home for many years. I joined our community there in 1985. We had an active pastoral care programme in Mosul. Among other things, we maintained a home for old people there.”
However, the sisters’ suffering began months before the explosion that destroyed the convent. At the time, Sister Sanaa was not in the city. Returning from a journey, she wanted to get back to her fellow sisters at all costs. However, all access routes had been blocked since early June. “Days before the city completely fell into the hands of ISIS, fierce battles raged between the army and the jihadists. Our convent lay right in between. There was constant heavy fire. The sisters were very scared and thus left the convent and went to another house in Mosul. They were able to flee just before ISIS took over the city. It was truly at the very last minute,” she reported. “Our sisters were just able to consume the Blessed Sacrament before they fled. They did not want it to fall into the hands of the jihadists. However, they unfortunately had to leave the tabernacle itself behind. There wasn’t enough room in the car.” The community of nuns then fled to Tilkef, a partially Christian city near Mosul. The sisters ran a printing company for liturgical books there. However, they soon had to flee once more. ISIS had also conquered Tilkef.
Sister Sanaa nevertheless plucked up the courage three more times after the fall of Mosul to return to the city now in the hands of the holy warriors of Islam. “After all, we had been forced to leave our entire archive behind. As mother superior of the convent, I considered it my duty to save it. After all, it contains important documents representing one hundred years of our community’s memory.” Volunteers joined her on this extremely dangerous journey. “I did not want to make anyone go with me. It was very dangerous, after all. Other nuns have been kidnapped by ISIS.” She managed to pass through checkpoints guarded by bearded ISIS fighters, who were flanked by the black flag of the caliphate, three times. The archive was saved.
Today, the sister lives in Ankawa, a Christian suburb of the Kurdish regional capital of Erbil. Aid to the Church in Need has provided financial support to the twenty nuns concerned so that they can make a fresh start. In addition, a temporary school is being set up for the children of Christian refugees. The sisters will teach there, thus earning a salary from the state. This will help them secure their future. A machine for the production of altar breads, also acquired with the help of Aid to the Church in Need, contributes further to their livelihood. The sisters also sew cassocks and liturgical vestments. These supply members of the clergy who have had to leave everything behind as they fled from ISIS. Such as Father Janan.
The Syrian-Catholic monk currently lives with his fellow brothers in a settlement near Erbil. The church has rented numerous flats there with the help of Aid to the Church in Need. “We fled from Bakhdida on 6 August. We even left our identity cards behind because everything had to go so quickly. We thought that the Kurdish fighters would protect us. However, when they suddenly pulled out, we dropped everything and fled.” Liturgical instruments, books and robes: they were not able to take anything with them. “Our fellow monks have given us liturgical vestments and books so that we can celebrate the liturgy. We are trying to continue our monastic life here as best as we can,” he said and showed the temporary chapel that they have set up on the ground floor of the terraced house. “The Liturgy of the Hours morning, noon and night provides structure to our day. And of course we celebrate Holy Mass.” Mass is held in a tent that serves as a church for the refugees. Plastic chairs are set up under a white canvas. Dozens of women have gathered to pray the rosary. The only adornments are an icon of the Redeemer and the Mother of God. “We celebrate Holy Mass here. We have also baptized children here already. It is important that this refugee settlement has a spiritual heart. We may have lost our homes, but God is with us everywhere.”
- Sister Sanaa Hana is the superior od the Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Their convent in Mossul was destroyed by ISIS. Before the sisters had to flee the City and leave everything behind. The Picture shows Sister Sanaa in Erbil with children in front of a house of the congregation where she found refuge. IRAQ / NATIONAL 14/00254 Existential aid for 20 displaced Sacred Heart sisters from Mosul, 2014/ 2015
- Sister Sanaa Hana is the superior od the sisters of the Sacred Heart. Their convent in Mossul was destroyed by ISIS. Before the sisters had to flee the City and leave everything behind. The Picture shows Sister Sanaa in Erbil with children in front of a house of the congregation where she found refuge. IRAQ / NATIONAL 14/00254 Existential aid for 20 displaced Sacred Heart sisters from Mosul, 2014/ 2015
- Sister Sanaa Hana is the superior od the sisters of the Sacred Heart. Their convent in Mossul was destroyed by ISIS. Before the sisters had to flee the City and leave everything behind. The Picture shows Sister Sanaa in Erbil with children in front of a house of the congregation where she found refuge. IRAQ / NATIONAL 14/00254 Existential aid for 20 displaced Sacred Heart sisters from Mosul, 2014/ 2015
- Rented houses in Ankawa, Erbil for Christian refugee families from Qarakosh and other Christian towns and villages in Northern Iraq.
- Rented houses in Ankawa, Erbil for Christian refugee families from Qarakosh and other Christian towns and villages in Northern Iraq.
- Rented houses in Ankawa, Erbil for Christian refugee families from Qarakosh and other CHristian towns and villages in Northern Iraq: Woman praying rosary
- Sr. Sanaa Hana, Superior General – Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù) the sisters saved the machine as they transport them from Telkef to Ankawa and instaled them in the container given to them by UNICEF IRAQ / NATIONAL 11/00209 Host baking equipment for the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at Telkef, Iraq, 02-07.10.2014
- Sr. Sanaa Hana (Superior General), Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Figlie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù) IRAQ / NATIONAL 14/00254 Existential aid for 20 displaced Sacred Heart sisters from Mosul, 2014/ 2015 Iraq, 02-07.10.2014
- Iraq/National 10/198 Help for neglected and impoverished young women of “Good Shepherd House” at Mosul (Mossul) run by the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Al-Naser Convent for 2010. This picture has been taken in 2010 – in the meantime their convent in Mossul was destroyed by ISIS. Therefore the sisters had to flee the City and leave everything behind. Now they found refuge in a house of their congregation in Erbil (2014/2015)
- Iraq/National 10/198 Help for neglected and impoverished young women of “Good Shepherd House” at Mosul (Mossul) run by the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Al-Naser Convent for 2010: Celebration with Sr. Sanaa Hana. This picture has been taken in 2010 – in the meantime their convent in Mossul was destroyed by ISIS. Therefore the sisters had to flee the City and leave everything behind. Now they found refuge in a house of their congregation in Erbil (2014/2015)
- Iraq/National 10/198 Help for neglected and impoverished young women of “Good Shepherd House” at Mosul (Mossul) run by the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Al-Naser Convent for 2010: Celebration with Sr. Sanaa Hana (in the background). This picture has been taken in 2010 – in the meantime their convent in Mossul was destroyed by ISIS. Therefore the sisters had to flee the City and leave everything behind. Now they found refuge in a house of their congregation in Erbil (2014/2015).