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acn_tanzania_internet project
Le diocèse de Tunduru-Masasi se situe tout au sud de la Tanzanie, à la frontière avec le Mozambique. 85% de...
acn_lebanon_destruction at one glance
To show its solidarity with the Lebanese people, the pontifical foundation ACN in collaboration with CNEWA / Pontifical Mission and...
acn_myanmar_building peace and justice
Religions for Peace issued an appeal signed by Religious Leaders of Myanmar in connection with the elections scheduled for November....
acn_lebanon_Christians can count on help from ACN
The charity is funding food parcels for survivors of the explosion in Beirut The international Catholic pastoral charity and...
acn_india_Always on the go for God
Sister Shobka Rani Talari smiles when she gets on her new moped. She is not daunted by the poor roads...
acn_lebanon_young ministers of mercy
Food, clothes and medicine in urgent demand in Beirut Thousands of young Christian volunteers are on the ground in...