Nineveh Reconstruction Committee News2020-08-10T15:51:02+00:00
1906, 2017

U.S. passes bill aiding Christians and Yazidis victims of genocide

June 19th, 2017|

“In response to the ISIS genocide against Christians, Yazidis and other religious and ethnic minorities, the House of Representatives unanimously passed (6th June) the bipartisan Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act to concretely help them in Iraq and Syria,” the rapporteur Rep. Chris Smith says. Among other

2205, 2017

Presenting the Nineveh Reconstruction Project during the Annual Conference of Centesimus Annus Pro-Pontifice.

May 22nd, 2017|

Father Andrzej Halemba of  Aid to the Church in Need, presented the reconstruction project to an audience of 200 Catholic economists and worldwide financial sector professionals during the Annual Conference of the foundation Centesimus Annus Pro-Pontifice. Vatican, 18-20 May 2017

2205, 2017

Presentation of the Nineveh Reconstruction Project at the Vatican to His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin

May 22nd, 2017|

Father Andrew Halemba and Marcela Szymanski of Aid to the Church in Need presenting the Nineveh Reconstruction Project to His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin on 19 May 2017.  Cardinal Parolin expressed his full support, not only for the project itself but for the structures set up via the committee to

2105, 2017

Nuncio to Iraq: Reconstruction Increases Christian Unity and Communion

May 21st, 2017|

In a letter to Patriarch Sako, Mgr Ortega Martín says that cooperation between Churches is a "strong show of communion” in the face of persecution and violence. The prelate notes that it is everyone's responsibility to favour the return of refugees to their homes. He praises refugees who "after

1305, 2017

ACN appeals to the international community for a “Marshall Plan” for Nineveh Plains – Press Release

May 13th, 2017|

ACN appeals to the international community for a "Marshall Plan" for Nineveh Plains 250 million dollars are needed for the rebuilding of almost 13,000 homes in the Nineveh Plains in Iraq. The pontifical foundation, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), has called on every political, religious and humanitarian organization

905, 2017

ACN Begins the Reconstruction with the “Olive Tree Ceremony”

May 9th, 2017|

Aid to the Church in Need begins the reconstruction with the “Olive Tree Ceremony” On Monday morning, 8th May, the pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need consecrated three building sites in the villages of Bartella, Karamless and Baghdeda (Qaraqosh) for the reconstruction of the first 105 houses belonging

705, 2017

The First Meeting of NRC

May 7th, 2017|

The first meeting of the Nineveh Reconstruction Committee took place today (Sunday, the 7th May 2017) by the seat of the Chaldean Catholic Archdiocese of Erbil. The meeting began with a prayer. Each member of the Committee updated the other members about the reconstruction of the towns and villages on the

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