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Call for Action of the Nineveh Reconstruction Committee upon the national governments and other entities in favor of the return of the Christians of all Churches and rites to their homelands in Iraq

Erbil, 12.12.2018

IN THE NINEVEH PLAINS, the voice and role of the local Church leaders is stronger than in other regions of Iraq. In March 2017, in recognition of the universal right to return of every refugee or exiled person and with the support of Aid to the Church in Need, the three main Christian Churches of the Nineveh Plains region [the Syrian Catholic Church, the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Chaldean Catholic Church] formally established the
Nineveh Reconstruction Committee (NRC) to jointly oversee the reconstruction program and the allocation of the financial resources received. It was very important that the various local Churches work closely together united in diversity. NRC ecumenical cooperation inspired a great solidarity among people.

Instead of being scattered and isolated, thanks to the NRC. Christians regain their community life. However, there is still a lot to do. as out of 13.904 houses registered to be renovated, only less than a half (5.746) are already restored and 84- are currently being renovated. 45.63% of families (9.060) living in the Nineveh Plains prior to 2014 returned. Another 2.000 families are eager to return, but have no means to do so. People think that the Church can handle it all easily enough, so the pressure is enormous. it is why we still need a lot of help.