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Plus de 3.000 personnes dans plus de vingt pays au monde font partie de la communauté catholique Shalom, fondée au...
acn_chile_Arson and vandalism the continuing tragedy of two iconic churches in Santiago
The embers are still smouldering, and you can smell the smoke of burning in the centrally situated church of the...
acn_pakistan_retreats for the fifty-five priests of the diocese of Faisalabad
All our Catholic priests face all kinds of challenges, all over the world. However, in Pakistan their work is often...
acn_ethiopia_support for the pastoral work of the Comboni Missionary Sisters
The Benishangul-Gumuz region lies in northwest Ethiopia, on the border with Sudan. A poor and underdeveloped region, it is home...
acn_niger_support to purchase a vehicle
La congregación de las Hermanas Misioneras de Nuestra Señora de los Apóstoles fue fundada en Lyon en 1876, y sus...
acn_news_ACN will support with five million euros the reconstruction of Beirut
The charity announces new aid initiatives, ten weeks on from the catastrophic explosion in the city. The international Catholic pastoral...