Who we are
A Catholic aid organization founded in 1947 to help war refugees.
Since 2011 recognized as a papal foundation, ACN is dedicated to the service of Christians around the world, through information, prayer and action, wherever they are persecuted or oppressed or suffering material need.
ACN supports every year an average of 5000 projects in 130 countries, thanks to private donations, as the foundation receives no public funding.
Value of caring about religious freedom in society
“When religious freedom is acknowledged, the dignity of the human person is respected at its root, and the ethos and institutions of peoples are strengthened. On the other hand, whenever religious freedom is denied, and attempts are made to hinder people from professing their religion or faith and living accordingly, human dignity is offended, with a resulting threat to justice and peace.
Religious freedom is, in this sense, also an achievement of a sound political and juridical culture. It is an essential good”
Pope Benedict XVI

The more the world knows about acts of religious hatred and neglect, the more the world can do something about it.

Aid to the Church in Need International
An organization operating worldwide whose activities you can support.
Go to the ACN International website.
Requests for any information
Our team is happy to answer any questions or requests you may have. You can reach us via the ACN Press Office press@acn-intl.org or contact your local ACN office.
Aid to the Church in Need - ACN International
Bischof-Kindermann Str. 23, 61462 Königstein, Germany
tel. +49 6174 291-0

Any questions?
# How can I support ACNs activities?
ACN is a Catholic pontifical charity that is funded exclusively through donations from private benefactors. You can support our work by making a donation.
# Is ACN present in my country?
ACN has national offices in 23 countries, covering five continents. Local offices mostly focus on fundraising and spreading information about the needs of Christian communities all over the world. Project coordination and financing is carried out by the head office, which is located in Königstein, Germany. Check this list to see if we are present in your country, or a country near yours.
# Does ACN only support Catholics?
ACN is a Catholic organisation, and the majority of our project partners on the ground are Catholic organisations, parishes, dioceses or institutions. However, we also support many other Christian denominations, such as Orthodox churches in the Middle East and in Eastern Europe. More importantly, many of the projects we help fund directly benefit the surrounding populations, regardless of their religious confessions.