Support a seminarian in Ukraine

Ukrainians need pastoral care to overcome the hardships of the war and the economic situation. Fortunately, vocations are flourishing in the country. With your help, we can support the formation of 69 seminarians.

We promised to help 57 Formation Projects. We still need 674,933.45€

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The Church in Ukraine faces many challenges: a growing secularization after the post-communist revival, an ongoing economic crisis, and armed conflicts in the east of the country. Ukrainians need pastoral care, and they are in dire need of priests. “Everything the Church possessed, buildings, properties, material goods, everything was confiscated by the state during Communism. Without outside help, we would not be able to support ourselves,” said Fr. Petro Zhuk, rector of a seminary in Kyiv. After the fall of the regime, seminaries were rebuilt throughout the country. Vocations are flourishing, and the community is eager to hear about the Catholic faith and Christian values. Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk experienced the time of persecution and is pleased that his seminarians are today free to follow their vocation. 69 seminarians are preparing for priesthood in Kyiv, they need support for their formation.


Msgr. Aristin, from Peru

“I thank you very much for everything you have been doing for us. My constant prayers are my way of expressing my great gratitude. May God bless the work of ACN and all its benefactors, who support the proclamation of the Kingdom of God with their gifts.”

Maria Dovhnayk, seminarian from Kiev, in Ukraine.

“A third of my scholar fees are covered by ACN’s subsidy. If it were not for this aid, I would not be able to undertake the formation. It is very comforting and a source of joy to know that there is someone out there in the world, ready to help us and who cares about us. Thank you!”

If this project is funded, your gift will be used to support other Christians in Need, for instance, such as these:

The people of the Apostolic vicariate of Yurimaguas, in the Peruvian Amazon, live in poverty. Although there are vocations, they cannot afford to pay for their formation. With your help, we can support the 11 seminarians in Callao. 

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. The Churches are full, and there are many vocations. But they cannot afford their formation at the seminary. With your help, we can support 285 seminarians in Port-au-Prince.

The society in the Czech Republic has suffered a spiritual vacuum left behind by communism. Even if one in every four Czechs claims to believe in God, there is still a need for evangelization. Your help will support the formation of 22 seminarians in Prague.

As a Pontifical Foundation, Aid to the Church in Need has the mandate to act on behalf of the Church.

“I invite you all, together with ACN, to do everywhere in the world, a work of mercy.”


ACN International
Aid to the Church in Need gGmbH
Bischof Kindermann Straße 23, Königstein in Taunus, 61462 HE Germany
Ph.: +49-6174-291-0

Copyright: ACN Aid to the Church in Need International
ACN – Aid to the Church in Need gGmbH, HRB 8446 is non-profit organization officially registered in Germany and audited internationally by KPMG.