Offer a Mass for Venezuela

Christians in Venezuela are in great need. A Mass celebrated for your intentions supports not only the priests but the entire community. With your offer, you can stand by the Church in Venezuela.

We promised to help 52 Pastoral Projects. We still need 633,791.20€

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A Mass offering is a gift of money to a priest, in return for which he agrees to celebrate Holy Mass for a particular intention of the donor. In many of the poorest and most anti-Christian countries, your Mass offerings are, for many priests, the sole means of survival. In Venezuela, people are struggling to survive daily. The lack of food, medicine, and essential services is aggravated by violence and poverty. “The contribution of our community is not enough to support a priest. Many times, when we receive some food in the offering basket, people immediately ask us to give it to them. How can we say no? We have to be detached and to give it to them. For the people, the priests that stayed are a testimony, besides being a source of joy and hope,” says Fr. Ángel Colmenares from Vale de la Pascua. More than 50 priests and their communities in Caracas rely on our support.


Mons. Raul Biord Castillo, bishop of La Guaira, Venezuela

“Our primary responsibility is with the people suffering. We cannot abandon them, and for that reason, we have to support the priests in their pastoral service.”

Fr. Badji, rector of a seminary in Senegal

“We assure you of our prayers for you, who with sacrifice and generosity make possible the evangelization in missionary regions.”

If this project is funded, your gift will be used to support other Christians in Need, for instance, such as these:

The Jesuit mission in the state of Assam is young, and the priests are dependent on outside help. A Mass celebrated for your intentions supports them to carry on their mission. With your offer, you can stand by the Church in India.

People in the Democratic Republic of Congo are suffering. They are subjected to Human Right violations and widespread violence. They need spiritual and pastoral care. With your offer, you can stand by the Church in the DRC.

Since 1917, all public expression of religion was banned in Uruguay; as a result, the Church struggles to maintain itself without outside support. With your offer, you can stand by the Church in Uruguay.

As a Pontifical Foundation, Aid to the Church in Need has the mandate to act on behalf of the Church.

“I invite you all, together with ACN, to do everywhere in the world, a work of mercy.”


ACN International
Aid to the Church in Need gGmbH
Bischof Kindermann Straße 23, Königstein in Taunus, 61462 HE Germany
Ph.: +49-6174-291-0

Copyright: ACN Aid to the Church in Need International
ACN – Aid to the Church in Need gGmbH, HRB 8446 is non-profit organization officially registered in Germany and audited internationally by KPMG.